Tips for Staying Motivated Through the Holiday Season

December 22, 2020

Let’s face it, for many of us the holiday season brings on stress, stress about gift giving, family visits, work deadlines, loss of time, and more. Now with 2020 adding on additional stressors, it can be difficult to maintain focus and motivation at work. Many of you have maybe already mentally checked out, but with deadlines still approaching, we have a few tips to help push you through the holiday season and get you motivated to finish your tasks before your time off.

  1. Prioritize: Prioritizing is so essential to getting work done and staying motivated. Try writing down the tasks you have left to do and prioritize them based on your needs. Do you have essential items that must be finished before the holiday? Then do those first. If everything on your list must be completed ASAP, then try to prioritize based on your personality, if you like to start small and build up, or knock out the big projects first, find what the best method is to fit your needs.
  2. Don’t Take Your Work Home: With limited timelines and much to do, it can be easy to pack your computer up and take it home for the evening, but you want to try to avoid that as much as possible. By bringing your work home, you don’t give yourself enough time to relax leaving you to burn out more easily and lose motivation when you are at work. You likely already have gifts to buy and last minute cooking to be done, so leave yourself some “me” time and work only while “at work.”
  3. Don’t Over Commit: You probably already have a full place that needs to get done, so don’t try to over commit yourself to extra projects. It is the holiday season and you likely want to help out a fellow coworker or manager by taking something off their plate, but in doing so you’ll likely forfeit time and energy to another project that was dedicated to you. Keeping focused on your at-hand tasks and managing these will help you stay focused without causing burnout.
  4. Remember and Look Forward: This is a good time to remind yourself what the holidays are really all about, the holiday season is intended to bring joy and happiness so don’t let yourself stress out so much that you forget to enjoy this time. Don’t be afraid to get into the holiday spirit at work and just have fun with it! It also can help to look forward to what is to come in the next year. A new start to push yourself and set up new goals and know that 2020 is finally ending, and everyone is wishing the best for a great new year.

Just remembering that there is time ahead and being appreciative of what has come is a great reminder to push us forward through the holiday season into next year. Taking a few notes from the tips listed above should help you stay on track and finish out the new year with a completed checklist!

From all of us at Condustrial, we wish you and your family a safe, happy, and healthy Holiday Season.



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