Working From Home: Making it Successful for Your Employees

February 2, 2021

Since the start of the pandemic, parents had to take on many different responsibilities. Aside from everyday parental duties, parents are now battling not only with working from home, but also with becoming a part time teacher and caregiver. Many school districts around the country have moved to online learning, and while a teacher is present for the lesson; homework, preparation, and practice has become a responsibility of parents to be sure their child is doing and doing it correctly.

This added responsibility can be stressful, especially when parents are already working from home in a totally new environment. That’s why now more than ever it is essential that managers are understanding of their employees’ needs.

Employees Need Your Support

Many full-time working parents during these times need some extra support from their management. They need a bit more compassion and understanding that in these times they have a lot of extra responsibility. Not all children are alike, of course, so while some parents may think that at-home learning is a breeze, other parents may be struggling to keep up with
their children and their children’s education.

How to reduce employee stress

During this high stress time, managers can help ease tension off their employees by simply giving them encouragement. Those who are working from home and may not be seeing their manager everyday might not feel like they are doing a good job or getting their job done, so as a manager, simply letting your employee know they’re doing good or a few words of
encouragement will go a long way.

Make task assignments clear

Managers can also lend their employees a helping hand by laying out work in easier to digest segments or easier to read terms. Maybe sending an email of things to be completed in a prioritized order will help a parent working from home to know what is essential in an easily understood manner.

Communication is vital

Finally, one of the most important things a manager can do to encourage an easier working environment with working parents is to encourage a line of open communication. This lets your employees know that if something comes up last minute or some sort of distraction happened at home, they can be honest with you and let you know that they might have missed something because of this. In addition, being honest and communicating effectively with your employee can boost production and create a higher value of trust in the workplace.

During these times, managers should be a bit more compassionate and understanding to all of their employees. At this point, everyone knows and understands we are in a pandemic and our worlds have been turned upside down. Acknowledging that your employees have been affected in multiple ways and responding to their needs accordingly, can greatly assist you in retaining the people vital to your business.

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