Why is social media important for employment branding?

November 2, 2020

The world of social media is vast and ever-evolving. Digging too deep can lead to a rabbit hole of content. With billions of active users monthly and millions of posts generated per minute, users take in a lot of content. This is why it’s important to make your brand known and easily recognizable, especially when it comes to recruiting.

When a user can easily recognize your brand through your content they are more likely to engage with it. Engagement is key to successful social media you want people to not only follow your accounts but also like, comment, and share them with other users. This boosts your ranking on social media algorithms and makes your content more viewable for all users.  

So what are some things you can do to brand your content and increase engagement? Well, I’m glad you asked! We have three tips for successful social media branding that will increase your engagement and get you more leads. 

  • Know What Channels Are Best For Your Business: Not all social media channels are the same and should not be treated as such. Each engages with users differently and provides a unique experience for users. You’ll want to tailor your content to each, but also you’ll want to dedicate time to the channels that will drive in the most conversions and leads. Facebook is great for news and entertainment, it drives users towards your website and prefers video content for user experience. Instagram is highly visual, considers all posts are photos, graphics, or short to long videos. Instagram is not always great at driving users to your website, but utilizing stories and “swipe-up” features can bring more website traffic. Twitter is mainly a news platform great for retweeting and sharing content. Twitter is great for sharing blog posts, business updates, or promoting website content. Pinterest is also highly visual and is often used for inspiration or ideas. LinkedIn is a professional network that is great for sharing industry articles, blog posts, and business updates. You’ll want your LinkedIn content to reflect professionalism. Google+/Google My Business is not as highly used for posting content but is another free tool to use and share content about your business. Google is all about user experience and the more you post to their sites the higher your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will rank. 

Taking these different ways to use each social media channel you’ll want to think about who your target audience is and use the best type of channels for your business to reach them. 

  • Schedule Posts: You don’t want to post to social media aimlessly instead; you want to come up with a plan and stick to it. Users/algorithms prefer a schedule and with so many free posting tools such as Facebook Creator Studio and Hootsuite, it’s easy to set aside some time during the week to pre-plan your social media content. Additionally, knowing how much to post is just as important. You don’t want to overload your views with content, so posting 2-3 times per week on Facebook or Instagram is generally a good rule of thumb. While posting several times per day on Twitter or even to Facebook/Instagram Stories is acceptable and encouraged. 
  • Don’t Just Self-Promote, Instead, Mix Up Your Content: According to Andrea Lehr with Hubspot, 45% of users will unfollow a brand on social media that posts too much self-promotion. This type of content provides little value to users and often feels too sales-like. Instead, you’ll want to mix up the content. Instead of posting job opportunities, post about company culture, relevant community news, relevant industry news, blog posts, employee spotlights, and similar will offer more value to your users and likely increase engagement.

While there are many things to keep in mind for a successful social media page, a good starting point begins with the three tips above. When you know what channels to post to, regularly schedule content, and keep your content diverse you’ll likely see an increase in followers, likes, comments, shares, and overall engagement giving you a successful social media page.

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